Brazosport College

Improving Enrollment and Student Completion with ZogoTech

Brazosport is creating a true culture of inquiry and action around data. They are getting faculty and department chairs involved in data to assess performance. People can now get “meaningful data about their class, their program, their students”. Faculty and staff now have more ownership in their own numbers (success rates, withdrawal rates, demographics, #sections). People who didn’t traditionally use data really “get it” now.

Brazosport is also looking at why they are losing students, including institutional factors (e.g. holds) or student-centric factors (e.g. life). They have engaged different offices throughout the college from business office to financial aid to use data and take action.

"ZogoTech is one of the very best database management tools out there. Before that, we had a homegrown system. But with ZogoTech, we can slice and dice, drill down, segment… it has been an extremely powerful analytical tool for us."
Dr. Baba Adam
Dean, Planning, Institutional Effectiveness, and Research