Helping Community Colleges Enable Dreams

ZogoTech is driven by a singular, powerful mission: to help low-income and first-generation students into the middle class and breathe new life into the American Dream. Our commitment lies in leveraging the transformative power of data in education to open doors to success, equity, and economic prosperity.

What's Our Why?

The American Dream – the belief that everyone, irrespective of their origins, can achieve success through perseverance and education – is at the heart of what we do. This belief is personal to us; many in the ZogoTech family have come from immigrant roots or working-class backgrounds to secure a place in the middle class. It’s a testament to the dream’s viability and the cornerstone of our commitment to extending that possibility to all.

Facing Today's Challenges

However, we recognize that the pathway to the American Dream is not equally accessible to everyone. Research, including that by Harvard’s Raj Chetty shown here, paints a sobering picture: the promise of out-earning one’s parents, once a reality for 90% of those born in the 1940s, now holds true for barely half of today’s 30-year-olds. This diminishing prospect of economic advancement, coupled with the rise in “deaths of despair,” signals an urgent need for intervention.

“At ZogoTech, our mission is to level the playing field so that every person, regardless of their start in life, has a fair shot at reaching the middle class. We believe in the power of education to transform lives, and through our work, we're committed to helping community colleges turn data into pathways for success.”
Michael Taft
CEO, ZogoTech

How We View Our Role

Education stands as a beacon of hope – a scalable means to counteract economic stagnation and inequality. Our mission at ZogoTech is to help community colleges rebuild the middle class and rejuvenate the American Dream. We focus on ensuring student progression, graduation, and successful transfer into family-sustaining careers.

By harnessing the vast potential of data, we help community colleges make quicker, more informed decisions that profoundly impact millions of students nationwide. Our emphasis on community colleges and broad-access institutions aims to broaden the horizon for first-generation and low-income students, making the dream attainable once more.